Chiropractor testing hamstring tightness on a professional triathlete at Crux Sport & Spine in St. George, Utah.


Hamstring Tightness: The Core Problem

In the realm of human movement, the interplay between different muscle groups is a fascinating topic. The dynamic relationship between the hamstring and the core holds great importance in achieving enhanced stability and performance. By understanding this connection, we can unlock the potential to alleviate tight hamstrings. In this blog, we will delve into the significance of stability at the core and its role in addressing hamstring tightness.

The Force Couple: Hamstring and Core Interaction

The force couple refers to the synchronized action of two or more muscles working together to produce a coordinated movement around a joint. In the case of the hamstring and the core, this force couple plays a pivotal role in maintaining stability, balance, and efficient movement.

Hamstring Tightness. Chiropractor St George

The Hamstring's Role

The hamstring muscles, which include the biceps femoris, semimembranosus, and semitendinosus, span the back of the thigh, crossing both the hip and knee joints (except for the short head of the biceps femoris, which does not cross the knee joint). While commonly known as hip extensors and knee flexors, their function extends beyond these simplified roles. Notably, they play a significant role in pelvic control, acting as stabilizers and decelerators during movement. This emphasis on the hamstrings’ contribution to pelvic control highlights their multifaceted importance in maintaining stability and supporting proper movement.

Hamstring strain, St. George Chiropractor

The Core's Influence

The core, a complex network of muscles, including the deep abdominals, pelvic floor, multifidus, and diaphragm, plays a crucial role in maintaining stability and controlling movement. A stable core serves as the foundation for optimal functioning of the entire body, including the hamstring muscles. It supports stability, distributes forces effectively, and contributes to proper movement coordination. Understanding the significance of core stability helps highlight its vital connection to the hamstrings and overall body performance.

St George Chiropractor. Hamstring Strain

The Core-Hamstring Connection

Tightness in the hamstrings is a prevalent issue often associated with sedentary lifestyles, improper posture, or overuse. However, inadequate core stability can also play a significant role, as suggested by experts. When the core lacks stability, the hamstrings may become overactive, attempting to compensate for the lack of support. This compensatory overactivity can result in chronic tension and tightness within the hamstring muscles. Recognizing the impact of core stability on hamstring tightness emphasizes the need to address both areas for effective relief and prevention.

Importance of Core Stability for Hamstring Relief

  • Redistribution of Forces: A strong and stable core helps distribute the forces generated during movement more efficiently. By providing a solid base, the core reduces the excessive burden placed on the hamstrings, allowing them to function within their optimal range.


  • Proper Pelvic Alignment: Core stability is closely linked to maintaining proper pelvic alignment. When the core muscles are weak or inactive, the pelvis may tilt forward or backward, leading to imbalances and excessive stress on the hamstrings. Strengthening the core muscles helps restore the natural alignment of the pelvis, reducing strain on the hamstrings.


  • Balanced Muscle Activation: A stable core facilitates balanced muscle activation throughout the body, ensuring that the hamstrings are not forced to compensate for weakness or instability elsewhere. When the core is strong, the hamstrings can focus on their primary functions, rather than being overworked as stabilizers.


  • Enhanced Movement Efficiency: Core stability enhances overall movement efficiency by promoting optimal coordination and control. By improving the stability at the core, the body can move more freely, reducing the need for compensatory actions that can strain the hamstrings.

The Path to Optimal Stability

To address tight hamstrings and promote optimal stability, it may be crucial to prioritize core strengthening exercises. By incorporating exercises that target the rectus abdominis, deep abdominals, and pelvic floor we can enhance the stability of the core and subsequently reduce the excessive demands placed on the hamstrings.

It is essential to consult a qualified healthcare professional to ensure proper exercise selection and technique. They can provide guidance tailored to your specific needs, helping you establish a balanced and effective training program.


The force couple between the hamstring and the core underscores the crucial role of core stability in relieving tightness and facilitating optimal movement. Recognizing the interconnection between these muscle groups unveils the potential for improved stability, reduced strain on the hamstrings, and enhanced overall performance. By prioritizing core strengthening exercises, we can build a stronger foundation for a healthier body. Let’s embark on a journey towards better stability and movement, embracing the force couple’s transformative power.

Dr. Trevor Tipton

Dr. Trevor Tipton

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